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Stuff that rocks!


01. entr: Runs any command whenever a chosen file changes. Useful for recompiling and running a project whenever you update the source.

02. warpd: Keyboard driven virtual pointer. Lets you fully control your mouse with the keyboard! It's great even if you use the mouse, being able to quickly press a keybind for small movements. Unfortunately the wayland support is.. lacking to say the least. shame on you, wayland

03. gomucks: Terminal based matrix client. Includes image previews and emoji support.

04. spade: A rusty HDL (hardware description language). Clean and actively maintained.

05. typst: Markup-based typesetting system, like LaTeX but much cleaner, elegant, and easier to learn.

06. Chimera Linux: The daily driver on my laptop, it's simple, minimal and GNU-free. It uses the FreeBSD userland, and dinit init system. Only disadvantage being, as it's a fairly small distro, the repos can be missing some packages.

07. glow: Renders markdown to the cli. I'm not a huge fan of its aesthetic altough I can still get behind it. Now it also features a browser to manage notes and things from.

08. qutebrowser: Keyboard driven, minimalistic web browser. It's been my daily driver for almost 2 years now. Insanely customizable with scripting, css, and all that stuff configurable from within a single file. It would all be great if not that, unfortunately, it's written in Python...
I guess we can't have nice things.


01. PragmataPro: This is my daily driver for all termial windows, it's quite condensed and yet even more readable than fonts like Hack or Fira Code. Only drawback is that it's sold for an absolutely exorbitant sum (200€), creator must've been dropped on the head as a child or something. This point is driven only further by the pinned comment on it's store page:
"[...] People just aren't able to understand the value of things that aren't physical objects." Fortunately there's a quite similar open source one Pragmasevka, which is used as the main font on this website.

02. Adhesive Nr. Seven Modern Blackletter, created using torn adhesive tape. Great for banners, titles, and posters. Adhesive (together with PragmataPro) have been the two fonts I almost exclusively use.

03. agave: A very smooth and round font, Looks good from distance and provides great rendering for scientific symbols. Unfortunately the last commit was 4 years ago and I dont think it's gonna get any active maintenance any time soon.

04. Maple: A monospaced coding font with some handwritten aesthetics. Not my personal favorite, but it def earns its place for its uniqueness.


01. Mr. Pope's literary correspondence: (Volume the third. With letters to, and, from the Duke of Shrewsberry, Lord Lansdowne): A glimpse into antique history, full of gems for one that knows where to look.

02. De re Metallica: Is as the title says, a book on metals. Pretty sure there's a translation into English by Herbert Hoover. Regardless it's a great read for anyone interested in historical ways to find, mine, and process ores.

03. Commentarii Belli Gallici: Found a copy of this book in an antique shop a while back, and it's the first latin text I've read. My version (edited by Alfred Klotz (latenized: Alfredus Klotz)), and apparentely used previously by W. Zeidler, even has a little coloured map at the end! (which is aways a welcome surprise)

04. House of Leaves: This one is quite popular in circles. I've been drawn to it after finding Mörk Borg, the non-standard page design and all. Most of the contents are pretty great however there are some parts which I can only assume weren't fully thought through. Generally it's been a great inspiration in my following works.

05. The Haunting of Hill House: I've been told House of Leaves was inspired by it. I can definitevely see some parallels (the house itself being the source of haunting), however these two are quite unique on their own.


01. Mörk Borg: A brutal, gritty, and grimdark ttrpg absolutely packed with flavour. It's (I think) my favorite ttrpg so far, it's got all the the flavour for basically none of the calories. The rules are quite simple, and the design is absolutely fenomenal. This is what I've been basing a huge chunk of my design philosophy on (Including a ttrpg system I'm working on with a friend).


Request this url with the ?r tag to get a random link from below. Use it like this for even more fun:
curl "http://slb.sh/rocks?r" | yt-dlp -o - -a - | mpv -

If you want an album added to this list feel free to send me recommendations!

01. Autonoesis - Moon of Foul Magics

02. Eosphoros - II

03. Mephorash - Shem Ha Mephorash

04. Catacombes - Des Des Glaires et des Briques

05. GEVURAH - Gehinnom

06. Triste Tage - Herbst 2022 EP

07. Ashes - Gloom Ash and Emptiness to the Horizon

08. Sevengill - Sea

09. Sea Witch - The Blackened Sea


0b. Omen Stones - Omen Stones

0c. Oprichnik - The Abyss of Solitude

0d. Watain - Sworn to the Dark

0e. Thurnin - Menhir

0f. AWWKS - Heavy on the Cosmic

10. Hazeshuttle - Hazeshuttle

11. Dozer - Drifting in the Endless Void

12. Shotgun Sawyer - Bury the Hatchet

13. Demiser - Through the Gate Eternal

14. High on Fire - Death is This Communion

15. Patricia Dallio - L'ENCRE DES VOIX SECRETES

16. Thierry Zaboitzeff - Prométhée

17. Black Woods - Landscapes

18. Zasthur - Defective Epitaph

19. Septory - Rotting Humanity

1a. Rust - Raw Shredding Death

1b. Lowrider - Refractions

1c. Khonsu - The Xun Protectorate

1d. Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame

1e. Ebony Pendant - Incantation Of Eschatological Mysticism

1f. Ebony Pendant - Garden Of Strangling Roots

20. Tortuga - Deities

21. The Graviators - Motherload

22. Gołoledź - Gołoledź

23. Copper Age - Buerismo

24. Sylosis - Monolith

25. Bell Witch - Longing

26. Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade

27. Restore Point - Signal Loss

28. GEVURAH - Sulphur Soul

29. Wagner Ödegård - Gryningenne

2a. Mountain Caller - Chronicle I: The Truthseeker

2b. IAH - III

2c. Black Tremor/Sea Witch - split

2d. Black Tremor - Impending

2e. Monolord - Vænir

2f. The Spirit - Sounds from the Vortex

30. Belzebong - Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves

31. AAWKS - Heavy on the Cosmic

32. Dreare - Blank and Forward

33. Mastodon - Leviathan

34. King Buffalo - Demo

35. Deposed King - One Man's Greif


37. Treacherous - Voracious Fields of Famine

38. HAZEMAZE - Blinded by the Wicked

39. HAZEMAZE - Hymns of the Damned

3a. HAZEMAZE - Hazemaze

3b. Autonoesis - Autonoesis

3c. Black Sky Giant - End of days pilgrimage

3d. Trvth - Your Corridors

3e. Lord Bakartia - The Final Boss

3f. Bone Ashes - Knowledge Journey

40. Schizoid Stone - Melodies of Solitude

41. Ash Borer - Ash Borer

42. Ash Borer - Bloodlands