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03-06-24: A well deserved stylistic update! (also added caching and compressed the fonts for more speeeed)

About Me

Hello there, I'm Anthony, the host here.

I interest in a fair few subjects, including: audio, music, programming, chem, electronics, geology; as well as ttrpgs and wargames.

If you want to contact me, here are a few ways:

- email: ant@slb.sh (not up yet)

- discord: slb.sh

Oh and by the way, if you've got any cool projects of your own, suggestions for this site, or anything else really, please drop it off in one of the places above. Thanks!


01. shard: A low-level programming language, focusing on accurately modeling hardware, avoiding abstractions, keeping a terse syntax, and providing a detailed macro system. help wanted

02. rp: This site is actually built with rp! It can generate and serve pages from rust code, for a js-free web!

03. tchat: Tool for monitoring a twitch chat from the terminal! Supports logging, multiple chats, timestamps and several kinds of badge display; all with no token required.

04. pot: A discord bot, created specifically for the Wicked Wizard discord server. unmaintained


100% js-free, static, and locally sourced mini-utils hosted on here:

O1. dice: a dice roller! Now even works with curl!

02. time: ... its just datetime

03. news: a news system displaying the latest under the header, and allowing me to add new ones with a single POST request. Add a ?q for plaintext output!

04. ftoc: Fahrenheit to Celsius converter (or the other way around)